
"Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life." Brian Andreas

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Boy and His Dog



What is it about a boy with his dog? James loves this puppy more than us sometimes I think. He runs to her the second we get home from school each day. They play in the backyard until it's time for dinner. He protects her from his little sister when she is too rough. He calls her up on the couch beside him while he watches tv. He tries to take on some of the responsibilities of feeding her and giving her water. He wants to walk her, but she is more likely to walk him. He is upset that he has a loft bed because Jetty can't get in his bed. There has even been talk of building a ramp so she can get to his bed. The best part is, she loves him just as much. So much that she practically tackles him to the ground everytime she sees him, even if he's only left the room to go to the bathroom. I love it, this unconditional love, it's really special. Watching them together reminds me to take time out for the little things in life.
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Week 3~ Daisy's Garden


Last October we lost a very special member of our family. Our Daisy girl was with us for 14 years. We miss her everyday, more than I could have ever imagined. We decided to plant a garden in her honor this spring. The spot we selected was Daisy's spot. In fact, I had to fill in the hole she spent her days snoozing in over the years, the spot where she soaked up the rays each day. I know she was smiling down on the kids this afternoon as we placed the first seeds in her garden. I also know she heard my prayers as I asked her to watch over this garden and help it grow. It's my first attempt at a real garden and my fingers are crossed that it is successful. If it is, it will be a true gift from Daisy because I have been known to kill a plant or two!
In preparing for a garden with children, I've done some reading of course. All of these websites talk about the pride and ownership kids take in their gardens as they grow. Kids are eating their veggies and trying new foods, learning about caring for living things, appreciating nature, spending time outdoors, soaking up vitamin D, gosh think of all the positive effects of a garden in your own backyard. I agree, all of these things are wonderful. BUT for 1 hour in time this afternoon my children forgot that they live to drive each other crazy. They worked together, enjoyed planting their seeds and digging their holes, they laughed, James actually showed Cate how to put the seeds in and she listened, he even put his arm around her once or twice. This my friends, is all of the glory I needed in planting our garden!

Here's to you, Daisy Girl! We miss you everyday, but like Cate says, "You are right here in our hearts," and now in our garden too!
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

More Week 2

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Week 2

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The kids and I spent the weekend at my granmother's house visiting with my mom and grandmom. I love that I can sit in a room with 4 generations. There's something very special about that. We even looked at a picture of Cate's namesake, my great-great grandmother Catherine MacDonald Gould. Saturday we played on the beach with all of the college kids on spring break and ended the day the way any great day ends~ with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and LuLu's chocolate sauce. I hope that one day James and Cate and I will sit around the kitchen table with their children and share the same special memories over ice cream with LuLu's chocolate sauce.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

52 Weeks, One Week At A Time

This week I begin a personal project of photographing my family every week for 52 weeks. My goal is to capture those small, everyday moments that will soon be lost in the rush of life. I decided to start my project where James and Cate spend most of their time when we are at home... the backyard.

Ready or Not

If you know me at all, even just a little, you know how much I love my camera. There is nothing that I love more than capturing the small moments in time as my children grow. I know they will be grown in the blink of an eye and those simple everyday moments will become distant memories. I used to scrapbook like crazy and pring pictures by the hundreds. About a year ago, I gave up. I couldn't decide what pictures to include and I certainly couldn't keep up with all of them. I have made several photobooks of special trips or occasions, but this didn't help me at all with those priceless shots of nothing special. I love Facebook and I share more pictures there than most of my friends would really care to see. My family misses out on all those pictures though because they are not Facebook people, nor will they ever be. So... this is my solution. I am starting a blog. Something I never thought I would do and still really can't believe that I am. I'm not even sure I really know what a blog is! BUT, here I go...

Monday, March 15, 2010