
"Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life." Brian Andreas

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Week 12

James and Cate were good sports as we cruised along at trolling speed towards the landing. It was past dinner time and we had been on the water all day. We were rescued by our dear friend Rob who towed us the last little bit which would have taken us well over another hour to reach.
It's always an adventure on the water and I wouldn't trade it for the world!




Week 12~ Sunday on the Water

I have not fallen off my project, I promise. The camera has been clicking away. I sat down tonight to edit James' field day pictures from today and 2 hours later I am finished with all of the pictures I forgot were on my camera!
A few weekends ago, we had a wonderful day on the water. On the way home, we ran aground and HARD! We clogged the motor big time. Kevin tried to suck the clog out with a juice box straw and only succeeded in burning the roof of his mouth so badly from the water that he is still recovering. Once we realized we were going nowhere S L O W L Y, we sat back and enjoyed the ride on a trolling motor. James and Cate fed the seagulls potato chips which made for some amazing pictures of the gulls in action.



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Sunday, May 9, 2010

More Week 11

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Week 11~ The Garden

For weeks now we have watched our little garden grow. The zucchini seems to be growing over night, but has not produced any veggies yet. Tonight we harvested our first sweet peas. It was literally only a James sized handful, but they were so proud. I blanched them and prepared to freeze them until we had enough to make a meal. The kids had other plans, they ate them all before I could freeze them. James said they were delicious... success!!
The other veggies aren't far behind, our cucumbers have big yellow flowers, our tomatoes are green and our zucchini has flowers ready to bud. Look out Earthfare, here comes Seyle Fare!!



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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week 10~ The First Tooth

Like learning to read and color in the lines, loosing the first tooth is a part of first grade, it just is!





So, I'm taking the easy way out for week 10 in my 52 week project. James lost his first tooth today and it seemed like a memory that needed documenting. This little moment in time caused me to reflect on James' first grade year. What is it about first grade that makes it so monumental for children and their parents? Some things just have to happen for every first grader. Things James has learned in first grade: 1. I can read, a huge accomplishment 2. I'm actually pretty good at math. I got that from my dad. 3. I can write stories that make mom and dad laugh out loud and ones that make mom say, "aww." 4. I've learned to ride a bike with 2 wheels. 5. I can swim the length of a pool. 6. I've learned that the big kids will push me around in the hallways and there is nothing I can do about it. Sometimes it makes me cry. 7.Mom will pretty much let me get away with anything in her classroom if I will just be quiet and let her work. 8. Mom doesn't like all of my friends. Some things my friends are allowed to say, I am not allowed to repeat at home or I get in big trouble. 9 I don't like to wear my glasses. I hope I don't need them forever. 10. I will get hurt on the playground, it's part of recess. 11. My mom will support my teacher always. 12. My mom makes me do things over and over until I do it right. I still don't like to do it right the first time.

I can't believe my baby boy is about to finish his first grade year! This is so cliche, but seriously, where does the time go? I'm not ready for him to grow up, not at all. At least he still sits in my lap, wants me to hold him when he's sad and lets me lay with him at night before he goes to sleep. Love you, sweet baby James!
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